Bullet Journal for Real Life

Bullet Journal for Real Life

  I’m a technology girl. I love that Andrew and I can sync up our calendars and keep our little train on the tracks with all of our devices. I love that we can rearrange appointments with the flick of a finger and set reminders so we don’t forget to...
Raising Tweens – Wise Words from Veteran Moms

Raising Tweens – Wise Words from Veteran Moms

As I watch Sam and Ian lope into the tween season, I am quizzing my faithful mentors for hints to navigating this new terrain. I thought I’d share some of their wisdom here, only slightly condensed or re-worded. Some of this applies to both genders, some is boy...
Shakespeare For Kids… and For Life

Shakespeare For Kids… and For Life

Last summer, I ran across the book “How To Teach Your Children Shakespeare” by Ken Ludwig. It took a few minutes for the author’s name to sink in. Turns out, I’ve been a Ken Ludwig fan since childhood – he wrote my very favorite musical...
If The Friends Were Homeschooled…

If The Friends Were Homeschooled…

So I’m about two years behind the trend, but nothing makes me giggle like a good Friends GIF. Or that GIF where the penguin gets shoved into the ice. Gets me every time. Anyway, last night’s post got me started and I couldn’t stop. My apologies in...
To The Mamas of Littles During the Holidays

To The Mamas of Littles During the Holidays

Dear Young Mama Of Tiny People, I hear you  in the bathroom, locked behind the door and trying to unwrap a piece of chocolate with shaky fingers. I see you on Instagram, admitting where you failed and showing us your sad eyes and the crumbs in your hair. I read your...